InResidence 2024

Artist Residency for Playwrights / Theatre Makers
Open Call until the 22nd of February

A Turma is looking for a playwright or a theatre maker, for the development of an artist residency with the duration of two months (consecutively), in Porto - Portugal. We are able to accept a playwright, a performer or a visual artist as the project is related with the research for a new dramaturgy or theatrical creation. At the end of the residency period there must be an informal presentation of the developed work. We also invite the artist to develop a workshop for local young actors and/or theatre makers to share and exchange the methodologies of the work.

The initiative In Residence, in partnership with Porto City Council, aims to bring national and international artists closer to opportunities to develop residence projects in the city in multiple artistic fields. The artist must be from another city and/or country, as the grant is different in each case: 4000€ (only for national artists that are based outside of Porto), 5000€ (European artists), 6000€ (Intercontinental artists). This grant is managed by A Turma in articulation with the artist(s) and includes: artist's payment, travel, creation materials, technical support and other logistic expenses. This grant is aimed at individual artists or companies, although the accommodation provided is a one-bedroom apartment. Other logistic expenses must be covered by the artist/company.

Working spaces
- Studio-blackbox (120m2)
- Studio (75m2)
- Hall/office (35m2),
- Costumes atelier (30m2)

Grant fee
4.000-6.000€ *
Accommodation **

* The grant fee includes artist's payment, travel, creation materials, technical support and food for a 2 month residency plus accommodation. The budget is managed by A Turma, after approval of the project by the City Council, depending on the artist's origin, whether National, European or International.
** A Turma has available a one bedroom apartment. For companies the extra costs must be included in the budget or be supported by the company.

Porto City Council - In Residence, Porto

A Turma (Theater Collective supported by República Portuguesa - Ministério da Cultura / DGArtes)

The artists will be contacted by February 29th, 2024.
For other queries, please e-mail us at

  • Application
  • Deadline
  • 22nd of February
  • Decision
  • 29th of February
  • When
  • 9th September - 9th November
  • Where
  • A Turma
  • Rua de Santa Catarina, 1277, Porto